Tata Teleservices launched Tata DOCOMO GSM service in Kerala. The launch of Tata DOCOMO GSM at Kerala was on 25 June 2009 Thursday.
The other GSM mobile operators operating at Kerala state are Idea, Airtel, Vodafone, Aircel and Reliance Mobile.
The tariff of DOCOMO is low as 1 paise per second to all phones inside India. All phones include both LandLines (landphones) and mobilephones.
What's free in Tata DOCOMO GSM ?
As per reports, Missed call alert and Voice mail services are free at Kerala Tata DOCOMO GSM.
More than that, the charge's (tariff) of SMS will be based on distance of message.
There are CDMA mobile operators like Reliance, Tata Indicom & MTS in Kerala other than these GSM operators.
Thank You.