The most entertaining dance reality show Dance India Dance is on its final stage. Dance India Dance grand finale 2009 will be held on 30 May 2009 and we can find out who is the Dance India Dance winner.
The live telecat of Dance India Dance grand finale 2009 will start from 8 PM on 30/05/2009. LUX Dance India Dance can be seen live on Zee Tv.
The list of four contestants who reached gand finale (finals) of Dance India Dance from which one will be the winner is -
Alisha Singh
Jai Kumar
Salman and
Siddhesh Pai.
One of these above contestants will become winner of Dance India Dance dance reality show. The winner will be announced by famous actor Mithun Chakravoty.
So enjoy Dance India Dance grand finale 2009 and find out Dance India Dance winner.
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