Friday, April 10, 2009

Vishu Wallpaper and Vishu Greetings

Every year on 14th April people of Kerala celebrates Vishu. Vishu is a festival of Kerala people. During this time we exchange Vishu wallpaper and greetings.

Greeting Cards are given to convery our affection and love for others. There is a custom of giving vishu kaineettam. So we can also give vishu wallpapers and greetings as kaineetum. Usually coins or new dress is presented as kai neetum.

The main attraction of this day is vishu kani. Kani Konna is the main part of kani. Kani Konna is a tree which is having nice looking yellow flowers.

The below is a Free Greeting card which you can send to your friends, family and lovers as email or as ecard. You can also use it in orkut scrap. This is not a malayalam card.

During vishu we change our computer wallpapers. This picture can also be used as desktop wallpaper or mobile wallpaper.

Free Vishu wallpaper and Vishu greetings

Thank You.