Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fake IPL Player caught ?

Finally i have gone through fake IPL player blog. His blog is really interesting. Rumers are there that fake IPL player caught. I hope he wont get caught as its very interesting to read his blog.

Fake IPL player explains some incidents and real experiences which occured during IPL Season 2 2009. He had even given nicknames for players and ipl cricket teams.

So many people spread the rummer that fake IPL player caught.

The URL (Link) of fake IPL player blog is

He himself introduces as an IPL player.

But the way of writing articles gives the impression that the IPL fake player is a journalist. Even if fake player is a team member he wont get enough time to blog.

If he is a team member then he can be caught easily, as a person having a laptop will be doing this. I think fake IPL Player caught is a fake news. was updated lastly on 22-04-2009. So if anonymous fakeiplplayer updates his blog / website then we can assure that he is not caught.

Thank you.