Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth day 2009 celebration

Earth day 2009 celebration have been conducted all over the world today. Even i have celebrated Earth day 2009 with my friends.

What is the relavence of this event ?

Every one knows there are some big issues associated with earth. The deeds of human being made earth contaminated and unhealthy to live. The best example is ozone hole.

Contaminated water is only available to drink. Polluted air is another significant issue. Lakh's of people suffer from bronchitis and other allergic diseases due to breathing this polluted air.

I hope Earth day 2009 celebration may bring these serious problem before the view of common people.

Cutting of tress and its consequences should be considered deeply. Flood, erosion, hot climatic conditions etc are caused by cutting of trees.

We have met with various disaster during the last year like cyclones, tsunami, flood etc. These all situations are after effect of man made issues. So proper care to earth is needed and earth should be considered as our home.

Wishing all readers Happy Earth Day 2009.

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Thank you.