The Bachelorette Finale Winner is Ed Swidersk. At the Bachelorette finals on 27/07/2009 Ed became the winner.
Who won the Bachelorette 2009 ?
Ed Swidersk is the winner of The Bachelorette Finale.
Congratulations for The Bachelorette winner Ed Swidersk.
Some other contestants who participated on this show are :-
Kiptyn Locke &
Reid Rosenthal.
So we got the answer for the questions :-
Who did the Bachelorette choose ?
Who did Jillian pick ?
Who won the Bachelorette 2009 ?
The answer is simple :- Ed Swidersk won The Bachelorette Finale 2009.
Once more congrats for The Bachelorette winner.
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