TN Chief Minister Karunanidhi fasting demanding ceasefire at Sri Lanka. Karunanidhi started fasting to save poor tamils who were being killed at Sri lanka in between Sri lanka - LTTE war.
News was there that PM called Karunanidhi and assured him that the central government will try to bring peace.
Yesterday LTTE announced ceasefire at Sri Lanka.
As per recent developments, news was there that Sri Lankan Govt also desided for ceasefire.
Heard Karunanidhi stopped fasting after the announcement of Sri Lankan Govt to ceasefire.
Karunanidhi started fasting today morning at Anna Memorial, Marina Beach.
I think Karunanidhi fasting can be one of the reason for Sri Lankan govenment to think about stop war.
Anyway ceasefire will be a good news for all poor people who live at SL.
Thank you.